Crackling dough
60 ml Butter, soft
80 ml brown sugar
100ml flour
Pinch of Oryx Desert salt
25 ml Cocoa
Choux dough
250 ml water
80 g butter
140 g flour
Pinch of Oryx Desert Salt
4 eggs
Crème Patisserie
500 ml milk
30 ml flour
30 ml cornstarch
30 ml castor sugar
2 egg yolks
5 ml Vanila
30 ml castor sugar
Crackling dough
Cream butter and sugar togerther.
Add flour,salt and cocoa. Mix until a dough forms. Refrigerate for 20 minutes
Roll pastry between two plastic wrap sheets. Press out circles of about 2 cm wide. Keep refrigerated.
Choux dough
Pre heat oven to 180°C
Bring water and butter to a boil. Add flour,salt and beat, while still on the heat, until a ball forms and a thin film on the bottom of the pot.
Transfer to a mixing bowl and cool down until a comfortable warm temeperature.
Mix 1 egg and beat into mixture. Repeat the process. When you get to the last egg add half and beat well. The mixture should be shiny and smooth. If the dough is not shiny and smooth, add the last half egg.
Transfer to a piping bag and pipe about 3 cm wide balls on prepared baking tray.
Place crackling circles on top of choux dough.
Bake for 20-30 minutes of until golden brown and cooked. Prick with a tooth pick and place back into oven for another 10 minutes to dry out. Let cool completely.
Crème Patisserie
Bring milk to a boil.
Mix flours, 30 ml castor sugar and eggs to form a paste.
Slowly add hot milk to egg mixtue while whisking . Transfer back to pot.
While stirring, bring to a boil to create a smooth thick custard. Let cool slightly
Whip egg whites with 30 ml of sugar. Fold into warm custard mixture.
Scoop into piping bag, refrigerate for later.
Make a small hole in puffs and pipe custard mixture inside.
Serve fresh.