150 g Butter, softened
125 g Sugar
2 eggs
150 g Cake flour
5 ml Baking Powder
Pinch of Oryx Desert Salt
45 ml Milk
Zest and juice of 1 orange
30 ml Cocoa Powder
100 g Chocolate
45ml Milk
25 ml Mayonnaise
1 Cream butter and sugar until light yellow .
2 Add egg oe by one and beat well.
3 Add cake flour, baking powder, salt and milk to butter mixture. beat until just incorporated.
4 Devide the mixture into two. add orange zest and juice to one batch and cocoa to the other.
5 Prepare a breadtin with baking spray. Add spoonfuls of orange mixture, then chocolate mixture, then orange mixture and then chocolate . Use the spoon to make a marble effect.
6 Bake in a 180C preheated oven until cooked.
7 Ganash: Melk chocolate and milk over a double boiler, stir until combined. Add Mayonnaise and stir well.
8 Spread ganash over cooled cake and serve.