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Prawn, melon and poppy seed salad

Serves: 4


½ cantaloupe melon

½ sweet melon

16 prawns , cleaned

½ cucumber cut into ribbons

For the dressing

30ml fish sauce

10ml B-Well Olive and canola oil

10ml lemon juice

2,5ml honey or Golden syrup

1 ml Oryx Desert salt

15ml poppyseeds


  1. Take a melon baller and ball both melons, or slice very thinly.

  2. Marinate the prawns in Garlic oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

  3. Heat B-well frying oil and cook prawns until pink and cooked.

  4. Mix together the cucumber ribbons, melon balls and the cooked prawns.

  5. Mix together the salad dressing ingredients.

  6. Dress the salad and plate .

  7. Garnish with micro coriander or edible flowers or both



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