630g Flour 10ml Oryx Desert Salt 5ml Sugar 1x10g Packet instant yeast 5ml White vinegar 62ml Olive oil (sunflower oil) 500ml Luke warm water 2 Onions, chopped (sauted until caramelized and cooled) 250ml Pitted Black Olives, roughly chopped 25ml Fresh Oregano
1. Mix together flour, salt, sugar and yeast. 2. Mix the vinegar, oil and water and add to all dry ingredients. 3. Mix and knead dough for about 10min. 4. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and place in warm area till dough has doubled in volume. 5. Add the remaining ingredients and knead lightly into dough. 6. Rub oil on hands and make a big ball with dough. 7. Place in a flat based cast iron pot that has been pre-oiled and well smeared. 8. Place in a warm area until dough is doubled in volume. 9. Place pot over a few coals. Place a few coals on the lid to seal top of bread. Rotate pot every 15 min about 90degrees if close to another fire to evenly distribute the heat around the pot. Cook for between 45 and 60min. Lid can be lifted and bread tapped to hear if bread has hollow sound which is a sign of readiness.