What you need:
1 fresh snoek (when you buy your snoek, ask for it to be cleaned and for the head and tail to be cut off)
4 chopped garlic cloves

½ cup butter or olive oil
½ cup apricot jam
juice of 2 lemons
olive oil
salt and pepper
1 tot soy sauce (optional)
2–4 tots white wine (optional)
dash of chilli sauce (optional)
What to do:
1. When starting the snoek braai process, wash the snoek under cold running
2. Now you need to dry the snoek. Do it in one of three ways:
-Hang it in a cool area with a draught blowing over it. The easiest way
to do that is to put it in the
hinged grid you will be braaing it in and hang that grid on a ho
ok under a tree.
-Salt the snoek with coarse sea salt that will absorb all the water.
-Blot it with paper kitchen towel.
Whichever of these methods you use, do make sure that your snoek has some defence system against aerial attack by flies.
Using a small pot on the fire or on a stove, lightly fry the chopped garlic in the butter or oil. Then add the apricot jam and lemon juice. If you want to add some of the optional ingredients, do so now.
Heat and stir until everything is melted and mixed.